Tag: Linux
Linux Foundation Backs ‘Valkey’ Open-Source Fork of Redis
The Linux Foundation has shared its intent to form Valkey as its own Redis alternative. Redis is a popular open-source, in-memory, NoSQL key/value store that is used primarily as a quick-response database or application Read more…
R Backers Tout Funding Milestone, Seek Comeback
Reports of the demise of R as a programming language are exaggerated, according to community leaders, who note the R Foundation has so far approved the distribution of grants and sponsorships totaling $1 million. The Read more…
More Hadoop, YARN Threats Surface
New reports have emerged of expanding security threats targeting cloud-based Hadoop and YARN instances, including more sophisticated attacks described as “multi-vector/multi-platform threats.” Securonix, a securit Read more…
MariaDB Emerging as Default MySQL Option
After more than two years of development, the latest version of the Debian Project, a "universal" open-source operating system, was released over the past weekend. Organizers of the project also said the MariaDB server w Read more…
Microsoft SQL Server Supports Linux
Microsoft widened its embrace of the Linux kernel with a preview release this week of its next SQL Server, further extending its business analytics platform to run on open-source distributions. Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT Read more…
Crunchy Data Container Suite Packages PostgresSQL
PostgreSQL databases can now be run and managed on Linux containers in cloud-native architectures with the release to the open source community of a database container suite. Open source PostgresSQL specialist Crunchy Read more…
MongoDB Plans ‘Giant’ Event in June
Senior executives from tech giants Google and IBM along with financial services infrastructure managers are scheduled to deliver keynotes addresses at database vendor MongoDB's annual conclave in June. MongoDB, Palo A Read more…
IBM Rolls Power-based ‘Data Engine’
A new IBM "data engine" for running key open source analytics frameworks is built on the company's recently added line of OpenPower Linux servers customized for big data workloads. Technical details of the IBM data en Read more…
IBM to Rain $1 Billion into Linux and Open Source for Big Data
Citing the desire to help clients capitalize on big data and cloud computing, IBM announced this week at LinuxCon its intention to shovel another $1 billion (USD) over the next four or five years into new Linux and open source technologies for the company’s Power Systems servers. Read more…
Red Hat Releases Storage Plug-in to the Apache Wild
Big data may be the killer app for clouds, said Red Hat today, announcing their intention to seamlessly shepherd their considerable installed user base into a new era of computing. Read more…
Microsoft Drinks Open Source Kool-Aid
Microsoft is committing itself to the concept of “openness” through some rather surprising new initiatives and partnerships--as well as through its very open new effort devoted to letting users know just how much they love open... Read more…
Red Hat Throws Cap into Big Data Storage Arena
This week Red Hat entered the enterprise big data storage market with a new software storage appliance. The offering, which leverages both the technology from the acquisition of Gluster as well as its own Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1, targets big unstructured data. Read more…