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Tag: log analytics

Is Index-Free The Answer to the Looming Data Deluge Problem?

The legacy log management industry is in trouble. With data volumes expected to reach 181 zettabytes by 2025, many log management vendors are rapidly approaching a breaking point. Their prevalent technology is index driv Read more…

Index-Free Log Management: Surf the Approaching Tidal Wave of Data Instead of Drowning in It

Whether an organization is diagnosing a system outage, mitigating a malicious attack or trying to get to the bottom of an application response-time issue, speed is critical. Pinpointing and resolving issues quickly and e Read more…

2021 Big Data Year in Review: Part 2

There was a lot going on in 2021, but we’ve done our best to synthesize some of the top stories of the year. Here, we pick up where we left off in part one of this two-part piece. One of the most interesting develop Read more…

AIOps: Beat the DevOps Arms Race

When we consider operational challenges in the technologi field, it’s tempting to think of them as a continual battle. We detect an issue, remediate it, and put improvements in place to prevent it from recurring. Detec Read more…

ChaosSearch Widens the Zone for Data Lake Analytics

When ChaosSearch emerged from stealth last year, its mantra was all about enabling customers to run log analytics on massive amounts of data in Amazon S3 using familiar tools, like Kibana. With today’s update, the comp Read more…

Sumo Logic Files for IPO

Sumo Logic, the Redwood City, California-based log analytics firm that has made “Continuous Intelligence” its tagline and which competes against the likes of Splunk and Elastic, has filed to go public. According t Read more…

Sumo Logic Broadens Reach Into Modern Machine Data

Sumo Logic today announced a range of new features in its cloud-based analytics platform that should improve its customers' capability to glean operational and security insights from machine data emanating from modern ap Read more…
