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Tag: message bus

Data Lakes Are Legacy Tech, Fivetran CEO Says

By some accounts, data lakes appear poised to supplant data warehouses as the center of gravity of modern analytics systems, particularly with today’s sophisticated data virtualization capabilities. But with the advent Read more…

Free Apache Pulsar Cloud Offered by StreamNative

StreamNative, which launched a cloud-based version of Apache Pulsar two months ago, today announced that it’s now offering a free entry-level version of Pulsar in the cloud. Apache Pulsar is the open source publish- Read more…

Assessing Your Options for Real-Time Message Buses

Organizations today are required to process ever-bigger amounts of data in smaller and smaller windows of time. Those two factors are encouraging a movement away from processing architectures based on traditional databas Read more…

Yahoo’s New Pulsar: A Kafka Competitor?

Yahoo today announced that it's open sourcing Pulsar, a new distributed "publish and subscribe" messaging systems designed to be highly scalable while maintaining low levels of latency. The bus already backs some of Yaho Read more…
