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Tag: mit sloan

MIT Sloan Sees Big Future in Big Data

The MIT Sloan Management Review, which runs its own well-known thought leadership series, took a gander at the big data industry in an attempt to determine and communicate where precisely it is heading and how companies can take advantage... Read more…

MIT Sloan Event Unravels Data Trends

At the recent MIT Sloan CIO Symposium, a panel of leading researchers, analysts and business professionals shared their views on the challenges and opportunities of big data for both academia and enterprise. The panel touched on a number of critical.... Read more…

A Home Run for Sports Analytics

Last week the Hynes Center in Boston played home to the annual MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference, a gathering of stat junkies discussing new and interesting ways to look at sports outcomes. The conference rounded up a number of.... Read more…

Along the Great Analytics Divide

A recent study conducted by MIT Sloan and IBM remarked on the competitive differences that are increasingly distinguishing the "transformed" from "untransformed" business that boil down to emphasis on real-time, advanced analytics. Read more…
