Tag: nas
MinIO Survey Highlights Object Storage as Foundation for AI and Advanced Analytics Workloads
The data storage landscape is undergoing a transformational change. AI is changing how systems need to handle both large amounts of data and the speed at which that data can be processed. Where enterprise organizations o Read more…
Hyperion To Provide a Peek at Storage, File System Usage with Global Site Survey
Curious how the market for distributed file systems, interconnects, and high-end storage is playing out in 2024? Then you might be interested in the market analysis that Hyperion Research is planning on rolling out over Read more…
HPE Cranks the Density on GreenLake NAS
Hewlett Packard Enterprise today unveiled an update of its GreenLake for File Storage offering that features a 4x increase in total capacity and up to 2x boost in system performance per rack unit. Depending on their situ Read more…
Deci Shows a NAC for Automated Neural Net Construction
Deep learning researchers have been dancing around a looming performance wall in recent months, as huge neural networks push the limits in terms of computation and power consumption. But now a company called Deci says it Read more…
Achieving Data Accessibility and Durability, Without Making Copies
As the volume of large-scale unstructured data increases across the enterprise, there is commensurate need for scalable file storage and management. Alongside the shift from on-premises data to multi-cloud solutions, leg Read more…
Rubrik Eyes Unstructured Data with Igneous Deal
Rubrik, the multi-cloud data manager, moved to bolster its unstructured data management capabilities with the acquisition of Igneous, whose platform provides monitoring and storage for dispersed data. Rubrik, Palo Alt Read more…
Accelerating Neural Network Design
The design of a neural network architecture remains a daunting problem, requiring human expertise and lots of computing resources. The soaring computational requirements of neural architecture search (NAS) algorithms use Read more…
Cloudian Buys File Storage Pioneer
The vibrant enterprise storage sector that has spawned a batch of aggressive startups offering all-flash and other advanced storage approaches is also showing early signs of realignment as established players look to exp Read more…
Quantum Adds Global Smarts to StorNext File System
Companies that use Quantum's StorNext platform to store massive amounts of data this week got a glimpse of new storage capabilities that should make it easier to access their data horde from anywhere in the world. St Read more…
New Enterprise Economics of Storage: Cloud in Your NAS
The explosion of data collection morphed into not only “big data,” but big unstructured data. According to an IDC Digital Universe published in late 2011, some 1.8 zettabytes of data would be created just that year. The rate of growth is expected to continue to climb, increasing exponentially year after year. Enterprise Strategy Group’s 2013 survey concluded that “rapid growth and management of unstructured data” was the most commonly named primary storage challenge among respondents. This data growth is putting a strain on IT infrastructure. Read more…
Panasas Gets Real About Hadoop
The realms of HPC and enterprise big data have been thrust together via the tectonic force of the Hadoop push, but according to Panasas CTO, Brent Welch, it leaves a deep chasm for many use cases that can only be filled by rethinking storage approaches. More specifically, Welch believes high performance network attached storage (NAS) can Read more…
HP Storage Lead Drills Down Trends
If you ask Mike Prieto, who heads up APAC storage at HP, what IT trends are the most dominant this year, two of his three answers probably won’t surprise you (here’s a hint, ‘big data’ is one) but one might raise a few eyebrows. According to.... Read more…
Big Unstructured Data and the Case for Optimized Object Storage
The world of data storage is marked by ongoing innovation, but major paradigm shifts in technology are much less frequent. A really major transition in storage paradigm hasn’t occurred since the introduction of network storage including Storage Area Network (SAN) and Network Attached Storage (NAS) and technology, to augment Direct Attached Storage (DAS) technology in the 1990’s. Read more…