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Tag: oil and gas

Before the Next Disaster Strikes, Get Better at Data Science

One of the most disruptive events for any industrial organization is asset failure. From halted production and costly physical damage to safety concerns for workers and the environment, the impacts of asset failure remai Read more…

How Big and Fast Data Can Transform the Oil and Gas Industry

The oil industry has generally lagged behind other industries when it comes to new technology. For example, most other blue chip industries have gone paperless for most things. The obvious benefit of going paperless is a Read more…

Bit Stew, Energy Advisor Partner on Industrial IoT

Consulting firm Blackstone Technology Group, which focuses heavily on the energy sector, is partnering with "software-defined operations" specialist Bit Stew Systems in a bid to extend big data capabilities into global e Read more…

Talend Clarifies Oil and Gas Data Management

Open source integration software company, Talend, is moving swiftly into new markets, including oil and gas. We talked with the company's senior director of product marketing, Ciaran Dynes, about the big data management challenges when it comes to data-heavy industries. Read more…
