Tag: pepperdata
Performance, Complexity Dog K8S Growth
A new survey from Pepperdata shows that Kubernetes is doing what it was predicted to do: Becoming the de-facto standard for big data runtimes, such as Spark, Kafka, and Presto. However, customers are still having issues Read more…
Cloud: The Big Data Budget-Buster
Think you’re going to save money by moving your big data apps to the cloud? Think again, according to a new survey from Pepperdata, which found that about a third of companies are exceeding their cloud budgets by 20% t Read more…
Big Data Apps Wasting Billions in the Cloud
Many organizations have shifted to a cloud-first mentality for deploying their big data applications. But without expending effort to optimize or tune these cloud apps, customers will waste billions of dollars’ worth o Read more…
Pepperdata Takes On Spark Performance Challenges
Apache Spark has revolutionized how big data applications are developed and executed since it emerged several years ago. But troubleshooting slow Spark jobs on Hadoop clusters is not an easy task. In fact, it may even be Read more…
Dr. Elephant Steps Up to Cure Hadoop Cluster Pains
Getting jobs to run on Hadoop is one thing, but getting them to run well is something else entirely. With a nod to the pain that parallelism and big data diversity brings, LinkedIn unveiled a new release of Dr. Elephant Read more…