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Tag: quantum computer

Quantum and AI: Navigating the Resource Challenge

Rapid advancements in quantum computing are bringing a new era of technological possibilities. However, as quantum technology progresses, there are growing concerns about the availability of resources—a challenge remin Read more…

IBM Pairs Data Science Experience with Quantum Computer

IBM Research is pairing its Jupyter-based Data Science Experience notebook environment with its cloud-based quantum computer, IBM Q, in hopes of encouraging a new class of entrepreneurial user to solve intractable proble Read more…

Unstructured Data Search Engine Has Roots in HPC

A search engine first developed in the HPC world to identify anomalies in biomedical images and then used by the military to track terrorists from UAV imagery is now being applied to the world's vast supply of unstructur Read more…

A Different Einstein on Another Old Problem

A central plot point to the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, “The Drumhead,” involved a Klingon spy encrypting information biologically so it could be injected into an unwitting passerby and retrieved later. It seemed like a ridiculous technology reserved for the 24th century. Scientists at the Chinese University of Hong Kong figured out how to do just that. Read more…
