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Tag: ransomware

Buckle Up: It’s Time for 2024 Security Predictions

It doesn’t take a prophet to know that computer security will be in the news in 2024, and probably not in a good way. What we don’t know are the particulars of how cybercriminals will be trying to penetrate defenses Read more…

Data Leaders Share Thoughts on World Backup Day

As far as holidays go, World Backup Day does not generate the excitement of Christmas or Halloween. There is no mascot, such as a “Backup Bunny” (sorry, Easter), nor any imbibing of adult beverages, as on St. Patrick Read more…

Improving Backup Resiliency as the Last Line of Ransomware Defense

In just the first half of 2021, two ransomware attacks had significant impacts on the U.S. and global economies: the attack against Colonial Pipeline limited gasoline availability on the U.S. east coast and drove gas pri Read more…

Data Under Attack During COVID-19

Sandia National Laboratories and IQVIA are among the biotech organizations that are working to safeguard sensitive biological data from cybercriminals that are using the COVID-19 pandemic as cover to expand their attacks Read more…

Where’s Your Data Now? Thoughts on World Backup Day

We’ll excuse you if you forgot that today is World Backup Day. You probably have a lot on your plate already. But we’d be remiss if we neglected to mark the occasion and discuss how companies can protect their most i Read more…

Gartner: Role of Analytics in Security is Growing

As corporate and, more recently, university IT networks are bombarded with malicious code and other forms of cyber attacks, network managers are being forced to rely more heavily on a range of emerging security technolog Read more…

Machine Learning Enlisted to Fight Ransomware

Everyone seemingly is complaining about the spread of ransomware, and now somebody is trying to do something about it using machine learning-based behavioral analytics techniques to track suspicious behavior on company n Read more…
