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Tag: real-time

Google/ASF Tackle Big Computing Trade-Offs with Apache Beam 2.0

Trade-offs are a part of life, in personal matters as well as in computers. You typically cannot have something built quickly, built inexpensively, and built well. Pick two, as your grandfather would tell you. But appare Read more…

Iguazio Re-Architects the Stack for Continuous Analytics

When it comes to modern big data architectures, you will typically find lots of different components, engines, and moving parts, each of which tackles part of the problem. One vendor with bold vision of re-architecting t Read more…

The Next Data Revolution: Intelligent Real-Time Decisions

Over the past decade, big data analysis and applications have revolutionized practices in business and science. They enabled new businesses (e.g., Facebook, Netflix), to disrupt existing industries (e.g., Airbnb, Uber), Read more…

Should Your Analytics Be ‘Real-Time’?

It’s widely acknowledged that the quicker an organization can collect, analyze and act on data the more of an advantage they will have in the marketplace. In fact, many organizations believe that the data they’re col Read more…

Yahoo’s New Pulsar: A Kafka Competitor?

Yahoo today announced that it's open sourcing Pulsar, a new distributed "publish and subscribe" messaging systems designed to be highly scalable while maintaining low levels of latency. The bus already backs some of Yaho Read more…

How Smart Lives Will Flow from Insight Streams

In the future, we'll be surrounded with smart devices that anticipate our wants and needs by capturing and interpreting various streams of data in real time. This vision of so-called "insight streams" flowing across the Read more…

Apache Flink Gears Up for Emerging Stream Processing Paradigm

We're close to the next release of Apache Flink, the stream processing engine developed by the Apache Software Foundation. Flink version 1.1.0 will bring new SQL interface for working with streaming data, while bigger ch Read more…

Airlines Embracing Analytics to Stave Off Disruption

Over the past five years, we've seen the incredible rise of Uber and Airbnb, two tech-savvy startups that turned the travel and hospitality industries upside down. Now airlines are starting to fight back by embracing big Read more…

Real-Time Streaming Gone ‘Bananas’

Akuda Labs is touting the throughput and power of a real-time stream data processing system it released last week. The company says the software, dubbed Bananas, runs 10 times faster that Apache Spark Streaming, with con Read more…

MapR Targets Hadoop’s Batch Constraints with 5.0

Hadoop has been largely batch-oriented up to this point, but that's changing as companies figure out how to exploit big data for competitive advantage. One vendor that's looking to accelerate the change is MapR Technolog Read more…

Fighting Sepsis with Real-Time Analytics

With many diseases, doctors have the benefit of a blood test that, more or less, definitively proves the presence of the disease. But for other conditions, such as sepsis--a bacterial infection state that kills millions of people each year--there is no single clear-cut test. But thanks to new big data techniques that can continuously monitor and analyze the interplay of more than 100 signs and potential symptoms of sepsis, hospitals are detecting the condition earlier, and saving both lives and money. Read more…

Amazon Tames Big Fast Data with Kinesis Pipe

Amazon Web Services added another engine to its big data powerhouse this week when it unveiled Kinesis for real-time streaming data. Kinesis allows users to create new apps that analyze high-throughput data streams, such as log files, financial transactions, and click-stream data, at rates of more than 100 TB per hour. Read more…

Manufacturing Real-Time Analytics on the Shop Floor

With large production machines pumping out endless streams of data, and production processes that are in constant need of improvement, manufacturing and big data technologies seem like a match made in heaven. One company is working to make that match a reality. Read more…

ScaleOut Building Real-Time Bridge to Hadoop with hServer

The real-time operational world can benefit from Hadoop’s power to analyze large data sets in parallel, says in-memory data grid company, ScaleOut Software, who today launched a new platform called hServer that the company says bridges real-time analytics with Hadoop. Read more…

Actian Aims at Being Disruptive in Big Data

Data management company, Actian Corporation, broadened its offering last week with the company completing its acquisition of Pervasive Software. The merger, they claim, is a step towards making Actian a disruptive force in the big data arena. Read more…

Putting Some Real Time Sting into Hive

A coalition of Hive community enthusiasts report that they have achieved a 45x performance increase for Apache Hive through an effort they have branded “The Stinger Initiative.” The group says they are aiming at 100x improvement. Read more…

Intel: Real Time is Where Hadoop Will Shine

Hadoop has hardly scratched the surface of its potential, says Intel, who sees a future that includes real-time, multi-application utilization of the software framework. Read more…

Cloudera Runs Real-Time with Impala

This week at Strata Hadoop World we sat down Cloudera CEO, Mike Olson, to talk about the company's recent open sourced effort to add a real-time aspect to Hadoop, thus taking it beyond its batch-only roots. We also hit on emerging issues in the ecosystem, including how their competitive advantages stack up against others in the... Read more…

Expedia Adds Notes to Big Data Symphony

This week at the SAS Premier Business Leadership Summit, we spoke to Joe Megibow, VP and General Manager of, a travel giant that spun out of Microsoft that has had to contend with the process of evolution of 16 years of hardware and software investments have led to... Read more…

What Real-Time Really Means

The term ‘real time’ gets thrown around a lot when discussing analytics. While it is okay for big data platforms to take their time when providing long term strategy solutions, businesses need quicker responses when it comes to fraud detection... Read more…
