Tag: rogue wave
Six Steps to Extract Value from Big Data
A top challenge facing businesses trying to adapt in the new age of big data is determining how to extract value from their data. Businesses that leverage information obtained from their data have a competitive advantage over those who don’t. However, companies have begun to consolidate and organize vast collections of disparate data sources and now may be wondering what to do next. Read more…
Study: Reverse Debuggers can Decrease Debugging Time by an Average of 26%
According to a <a href="http://www.roguewave.com/company/news-events/press-releases/2013/university-of-cambridge-reverse-debugging-study.aspx?utm_source=HPCwire&utm_medium=Spotlight&utm_campaign=ITS-20130325" target="_blank">recent study</a> at the University of Cambridge, researchers found that when respondents use reverse debugging tools, like Rogue Wave’s <a href="http://www.roguewave.com/products/totalview/replayengine.aspx?utm_source=HPCwire&utm_medium=Spotlight&utm_campaign=ITS-20130325" target="_blank">Replay Engine</a>, their debugging time decreased by an average of 26%. Developers, like you, can leverage these time savings to develop additional products, features, and capabilities. Read more…