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Tag: self-service

Data Dynamics Introduces AI-Powered Zubin as a Self-Service Approach to Modern Data Management

Data Dynamics, a leader in unstructured data management solutions, has introduced an AI-powered self-service software aimed at helping organizations enhance their approaches to risk management, privacy, data sovereignty, Read more…

Self-Service Data Not Quite a Reality Yet, Capital One Software Says

As the business world continues to transform, it's becoming pretty clear that self-service data is gearing up to be a game-changer for many companies. There's a growing push for organizations to have data at their finger Read more…

Cloud Migrations Negatively Impacting Data Estates, Capital One Says

We’re in the midst of a massive migration of data to the cloud at the moment, driven in large part by the promises of advanced analytics and AI and the competitive advantages they can bring. However, before getting thi Read more…

The Secret to Data and Analytics Success Is…People

One of the most astonishing facts culled from the data and analytics field is the persistently high rate of failure. Despite the billions of dollars and millions of hours invested, the majority of data analytics projects Read more…

On the Radar: Promethium, StreamNative, Inzata

Welcome to On the Radar, a new Datanami feature about interesting new startups in the big data and analytics space. In this week’s edition, we explore three vendors making news, including Promethium, NativeStreams, and Read more…

The 4 Paradigms of Data Prep for Analytics and Machine Learning

Data preparation has long been recognized for helping business leaders, analysts, and data scientists to ready and prepare the data needed for analytics, operations, and regulatory requirements. Today, the technology is Read more…

Self-Service Data Preparation – At Scale or Sampling?

The phrase “data is the new oil” has become the favorite business transformation cliché of the past 10 years. The truth is that data in its raw form is about as useful for decision making as oil is for propelling a Read more…

Empowering Citizen Data Science

Companies of all stripes are turning to data science to unlock the value in their data. However, finding highly trained data scientists to build the systems has proven to be a very difficult task. Now many organizations Read more…

How the Machine Learning Catalogs Stack Up

You can't do anything with data – let alone use it for machine learning – if you don't know where it is. In the age of big data, this is not a trivial matter. It is also the main driver that's propelling the rise of Read more…

Self-Serve Platform Promotes Collaboration

Among the goals of self-service big data analytics vendors is unifying the entire technology stack to allow business analytics to glean insights from data lakes. Combining the ability to run natively on Hadoop clusters a Read more…

Big Data Fabrics Emerge to Ease Hadoop Pain

If Hadoop is leaving your data lake project all wet, you may be a good candidate for an emerging architectural concept called the big data fabric. As industry experts explain, big data fabrics bring a certain level of co Read more…
