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Tag: Shark

Apache Spark: 3 Real-World Use Cases

The Hadoop processing engine Spark has risen to become one of the hottest big data technologies in a short amount of time. And while Spark has been a Top-Level Project at the Apache Software Foundation for barely a week, the technology has already proven itself in the production systems of early adopters, including Conviva, ClearStory Data, and Yahoo. Read more…

Spark Graduates Apache Incubator

As we've touched on before, Hadoop was designed as a batch-oriented system, and its real-time capabilities are still emerging. Those eagerly awaiting this next evolution will be pleased to hear about the graduation of Apache Spark from the Apache Incubator. On Sunday, the Apache Spark Project committee unanimously voted to promote the fast data-processing tool out of the Apache Incubator. Read more…

Cloudera Releases Impala Into the Wild

The week, Cloudera announced that Impala, their SQL on Hadoop initiative, is moving out of public beta and into general availability. Datanami spoke with Cloudera to get an overview of the state of Impala, how they see it stacking up in the competitive landscape, and where the space will move in the near future. Read more…
