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Tag: Sri Ambati

A Pressing Need for More Data Literacy

As big data and AI become greater influences in people’s lives, the need for a basic education on how data and AI systems work is becoming more apparent. Two data science industry leaders, including the CEOs of Anacond Read more…

AI Democratization a Work in Progress, H2O’s Ambati Says

While only about 1% of companies are making the most of their data today, real progress is being made in democratizing the use of AI, and the future of business automation via AI is quite bright,’s CEO and found Read more…

H2O Wave: A New UI for AI

AI and machine learning by themselves do not move the needle. The technologies must be applied somehow to have the desired impact. With that in mind, today unveiled an open-source Python development framework call Read more…

Crazy Idea No. 46: Making Big Data Beneficial for All

Now here’s a crazy idea: What if the data we all generate on a day to day basis benefited us, instead of the companies that collect it? It may sound nuts at first, but some AI experts see a future in which people hold Read more…

To Centralize or Not to Centralize Your Data–That Is the Question

Should you strive to centralize your data, or leave it scattered about? It seems like it should be a simple question, but it’s actually a tough one to answer, particularly because it has so many ramifications for how d Read more…

Three Privacy Enhancing Techniques That Can Bolster the COVID-19 Response

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us two things: The critical importance of healthcare data in fighting the spread of the disease, and our documented inability to harness it in a timely manner. And while it’s true that s Read more…

Make Your Own AI

Artificial intelligence is slated to have a profound impact on the future of business. We’re seeing evidence of that every day. But the manner in which AI will change business is not always straightforward. CEO Read more…

Calls for AI Regulation Gain Steam

Should restrictions be placed on the use of artificial intelligence? Google CEO Sundar Pichai certainly does, and so do a host of other business leaders,  including the CEOs of IBM and, as the chorus of calls for Read more…

Datanami Unveils 2019 People to Watch

As we look forward into 2019, a select group of leaders in Big Data have stepped ahead of the rest. In this fourth annual People to Watch feature, we’re offering our readers a look at some of the best and brightest Read more…

Keeping the Big Picture In Sight at H2O World

SriSatish Ambati, the CEO of, had just taken the stage at H2O World in San Francisco yesterday morning. His keynote had barely begun, but Ambati clearly had something to get off his chest. "Time is the only non-re Read more…
