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Tag: Stanford

Stanford Researchers Detail New Method for Error Detection in Perception Data

Autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles are increasingly common, with most relying primarily on AI-powered cameras that rapidly detect vehicles, people, and obstacles within the frame and use that information (among othe Read more…

How Stanford’s COVID Analytics Helped It Navigate the Pandemic

Around this time last year, everyone and their brother was launching a dashboard for COVID analytics. Most of these were quite similar to one another: basic COVID data pulled from a handful of primary sources and parsed Read more…

AI Experts Discuss Implications of GPT-3

Last July, GPT-3 took the internet by storm. The massive 175 billion-parameter autoregressive language model, developed by OpenAI, showed a startling ability to translate languages, answer questions, and – perhaps most Read more…

Stanford COVID-19 Model Identifies Superspreader Sites, Socioeconomic Disparities

The COVID-19 pandemic is once again surging to unprecedented levels in the U.S., and all signs point to a grim winter punctuated by the return of many curfews and shutdowns. The conversation now focuses on how much of th Read more…

Reproducibility in Data Analytics Under Fire in Stanford Report

Armed with the same data and told to test the same hypotheses, dozens of independent researchers instead came to widely different conclusions using a variety of analytics techniques, according to a new report from Stanfo Read more…

Op Analytics Tool Tracks Metrics in Real Time

Understanding in real time how and why key business metrics change has emerged as a key challenge for enterprises, fueling the growth of operational analytics as organizations scramble to find better ways to leverage int Read more…

A New Sequence for Stanford

Stanford University, already a renowned genomics research institution, won approval for and is planning the building of an interdisciplinary genomics center. The center would rival that of MIT’s as well as Harvard’s Broad Institute for government funding and the top genomics personnel in the country. Read more…

Stanford Pushes Genetic Research Data to Limits

Under the direction of Dr. Michael Snyder, Stanford’s Genetics Department is helping to push the envelope on big data and how it can advance genome research via the iPOP project, which will be using massive genomics dataset to further the.... Read more…

Six Big Name Schools with Big Data Programs

This week we whittled down the small but growing list of "big name" universities that are helping to solve the big data technologies talent gap. From degrees in data science to more specific certification programs for current IT professionals, these six schools.... Read more…
