Tag: streaming analytics
5 Ways Big Geospatial Data Is Driving Analytics In the Real World
Amid the flood of data we collect and contend with on a daily basis, geospatial data occupies a unique place. Thanks to the networks of GPS satellites and cell towers and the emerging Internet of Things, we're able to tr Read more…
FPGA System Smokes Spark on Streaming Analytics
Technologists with decades of experience building field-programmable gate array (FPGA) systems for the federal government today unveiled a commercial FPGA offering it claims holds 100x performance advantage over Apache S Read more…
How Streaming Analytics Helps Telcos Overcome the Data Deluge
Real-time streaming analytics is all the rage these days, as organizations seek to wring value from their data as quickly as possible. While the technology is bleeding edge for many, it's commonplace in the telecommunica Read more…