Tag: surveillance
Using Big Data to Prevent a Future Health Crisis
The COVID-19 pandemic hit the world like a slow-moving wrecking ball. Despite warnings back in December of 2019, it wasn't until mid-March of 2020 that governments were forced to take decisive action to slow the spread o Read more…
Can Apple Right its Privacy and Security Cart?
For years, Apple was hailed as the company that “got” security and privacy. After all, it allowed users to engage in conversations protected by encryption, end-to-end, and rebuffed US Government requests to unlock iP Read more…
Quantum Releases New Surveillance Reference Architecture
With more and more devices equipped with cameras and an internet connection, video surveillance is a booming industry worth tens of billions of dollars – but with those capabilities comes a staggering amount of data (a Read more…
AI-Based Drone Floated to Enforce Social Distancing
If desperate times call for desperate measures, then an AI-powered surveillance drone may find applications as pandemic fatigue erodes compliance with social distancing advisories in congested urban areas. At least th Read more…
Machine Learning Model Tracks U.S. Spy Planes
Among the tasks you can train a computer to perform is scanning the skies over the U.S. for the alarming number of surveillance and spy aircraft. The news web site BuzzFeed did just that, reporting this week that it e Read more…
Geo Data Vendor Draws Civil Rights Scrutiny
Social media data feeds being packaged by location-based analytics platform vendors and recently marketed as police surveillance tools are drawing fire from a leading U.S. civil liberties group who insists the technology Read more…
From Digital ‘Breadcrumbs’ To ‘Data Proxies’
To the list of data types roughly divided between "structured" and "unstructured" we can now add a third type referred to by theorists as "disembodied" data. In a research paper published last month in the journal Read more…
Feds to Track Car Movements with License Plate Database
The Department of Homeland Security is now accepting bids from private companies to run a national license-plate database that will allow federal law enforcement and immigration officials to track the movements of automobiles around the country. Read more…
Unstructured Video Data Creating IT Challenge as Volume Explodes
A flood of high-definition video surveillance cameras that are being installed by enterprises around the world is creating a big data challenge that looks set to explode over the next four years, says analyst firm IHS Inc. in a new report. The results, according to the firm, is the increasing adoption of big data technologies, as well as innovation in how such data is handled and stored. Read more…