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Tag: teamwork

Getting Data Scientists and Data Engineers on the Same Page

Like cats and dogs, data engineers and data scientists often seem like two incompatible species. Scientists love probabilities and experimentation, while engineers live for repeatability and efficiency. They have differe Read more…

COVID-19 Gives AI a Reality Check

While it seems unlikely that AI will enter another nuclear winter, the current COVID-19 situation is giving enterprises the opportunity to rethink their AI strategies, giving the better AI projects more room to run, whil Read more…

The Rise of the Data Team

Leaks of confidential customer data, whether the result of malicious hacks or corporate missteps, are a growing threat across industries. In the first half of 2018, there were 945 major data breaches globally that expo Read more…

Building Data Culture a Priority as AI Investments Ramp Up

It's not yet a do-or-die situation, but organizations are definitely under the gun to demonstrate positive results from their considerable investments in big data and AI. The pressure is on chief data officers and other Read more…

Why Data Science is a Team Sport at AOL

As the world's fifth largest digital advertising network, AOL chews through a lot of data. That's not surprising. What may surprise you, however, is the unconventional way that the company goes about assembling its data Read more…
