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Tag: training

ML Toolkit Aims to Ease Data Scientists’ Pain

As the AI services ecosystem expands, vendors are offering automation tools designed to make life easier for embattled data scientists through toolkits used to build machine and deep learning models, and then move those Read more…

Cisco Aims to Shrink Big Data Skills Gap

Cisco Systems today introduced new educational offerings aimed at narrowing the looming skills gap in the areas of data analytics and digital transformation. In particular, the new analytics program is designed to help C Read more…

MapR Ponies Up with Free Hadoop Training

Hadoop is hard. There's just no way around it. Without a set of specific technical skills, the chances of somebody developing or running a Hadoop cluster are not good. A new training program unveiled today by MapR Techno Read more…

EMC Study Points to Gaps in Data Science

This week EMC released the results of a recent international survey of over 500 data scientists to discover what key challenges they faced. Instead of technological hurdles, however, the personnel and training issues took top billing. Read more…

Cloudera Brings Hadoop to School

This week Cloudera announced that due to the success of their recent training and certification programs, they would be bringing a bigger, badder "Cloudera University" to developers and system admins. The new training program hopes to churn out more than 4,000 certifications by the end of the year. Read more…
