Tag: transportation
Wyoming DOT Uses GIS to Reduce Truck Blow-Overs
Wyoming faces significant challenges with weather conditions on its interstate highways, particularly due to its location in the Rocky Mountains region. The state's three major interstates regularly endure severe weather Read more…
MIT Researchers Leverage Machine Learning for Better Lidar
Lidar (short for light detection and ranging) is an increasingly common technology – it’s embedded in iPhones and Teslas – that uses lasers to measure distances, allowing accurate remote mapping of small and large Read more…
‘TranSEC’ Machine Learning Tool Tackles Los Angeles Traffic
Traffic management is essentially a giant optimization problem, with urban planners and traffic engineers aiming to reshape roads, traffic signals and parking to smooth traffic patterns and avoid serious congestion. Howe Read more…
Data Shows Commercial Driving Returning to Normal — but It Varies by Industry
As the U.S. swiftly returns to normal – for now – industry analysts are carefully scrutinizing the economy for signs of recovery. Commercial transportation activity (which includes subsectors like construction transp Read more…
Utah Rolls Data Network for Smart Highways
If you are sitting in traffic, the road ahead (and all those brake lights) look pretty dumb. Among the potential solutions for smartening up the roadways and boosting the capacity of the nation’s clogged highways is a Read more…
Transit Effort Uses Robots to Gather Inspection Data
Systems engineers are among the growing list of data crunchers attempting to use predictive analytics in transportation applications such as capturing data collected by drones used to inspect the nation’s aging bridges Read more…
Nokia Expands IoT Portfolio with SpaceTime Deal
Nokia, the Finnish mobile phone pioneer, is expanding its Internet of Things portfolio through the acquisition of SpaceTime Insight, a specialist in machine learning analytics and industrial IoT applications. Nokia (N Read more…
Teradata Takes ‘4D Analytics’ to the Edge
Teradata Corp. released a “4D analytics” capability that melds three-dimensional geospatial location data with time-series data for edge computing applications. The cloud-based data and analytics vendor (NYSE: TDC Read more…
Crumbling Infrastructure Gets an AI Assist
A deep learning application developed by Japan's Fujitsu Ltd. seeks to assist structural engineers in assessing the state of degradation in aging bridges and other infrastructure. The framework applies sensor data analys Read more…
Big Data Keeps on Truckin’
The trucking industry is the latest sector to embrace big data as fleet owners look for new ways to improve operating efficiencies and schedule maintenance. According to market researcher Frost & Sullivan, a handf Read more…
Big Data Helps Drive Transportation Planning
Transportation planners are embracing big data analytics as the nation's highways become more congested and data science in some instances replaces costly road-construction projects. The latest example comes from an o Read more…