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Tag: Utah

The New Tech Hotspot Is…Tupelo, Mississippi?

Forced to work from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, tech workers are fleeing pricey tech hubs like Silicon Valley taking up residence in more affordable abodes. According to one new survey, places like Sioux Falls, So Read more…

Big Data Meets Big Brother: Inside the Utah Data Center

While the NSA operates many data facilities, none compare to the new $1.5 Billion data center scheduled to open this September in Bluffdale, Utah. Take a look at what this 120 acre monster facility entails... Read more…

EMC Isilon Loosens Storage Shackles at SCI

EMC Isilon announced a big win this week at the University of Utah's Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute (SCI). The research center deployed its scale-out NAS solution to reduce complexity and unify resources. Read more…
