Tag: visualization
Plotly Bolsters Popular Python Data Viz Tool with GenAI
Plotly Dash is a Python-based data application framework and visualization tool that’s widely used by data scientists who prefer a code-first experience. To help lower the barrier to entry, the company behind Plotly Da Read more…
How Proper Data Tool Investment Will Unlock the Power of Data for Every Organization
When it comes to data analytics, machines should be doing the heavy lifting. More and more businesses rely on data analytics to make smarter, more informed business decisions and to stay on top of industry changes amid c Read more…
Understanding Open Data Architecture and Time Series Data
The easiest way to think about an open data architecture is that it’s the opposite of a vendor-locked-in, closed-system environment. A system designed with open data architectural principles supports seamless data flow Read more…
Promethium Nabs $26M to Spark Analytics Growth
Analytics platform Promethium announced it has raised $26 million in a Series A funding round, bringing the company’s total funding to $34.5 million since its 2018 founding. Promethium plans to use the funds to scal Read more…
Visualizations That Make You Go ‘Hmmm’
When it comes to big data, advanced analytics, and AI, we’re conditioned to expect the big “aha!” moment. We expect to see the crazy-haired data expert leap out of bed, saying something like “By George, I think I Read more…
How Data Visualization Drives Better Business Decisions and Outcomes
I’ve run software development teams (some with more than 1,000 members) over the past 25 years. The software development discipline has exploded in growth due to the need for technology support across all aspects of bu Read more…
AI Powers Sea Level Rise Visualizations
In its Sixth Assessment Report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stressed that it is “unequivocal” that human influence has warmed the atmosphere and that, among other severe impacts, it is “vir Read more…
Data Dashboarding Must Evolve or Face Irrelevance
Data visualization has become synonymous with business intelligence (BI) data dashboarding. But these dashboards have a weakness: They are only as good as the humans--and AI--that interpret it. For businesses to truly Read more…
Oracle Analytics Cloud: Everything But the Kitchen Sink
Oracle is taking a “more is more” approach with the latest release of Oracle Analytics Cloud, its do-everything analytics and ML platform. Need explainable machine learning? How about graph analytics? Automated data Read more…
Observable Seeks Democratization of Data Visualization
If a picture is worth 1,000 words, then how much is a rich, interactive data visualization worth? If you’re Observable, the San Francisco startup founded by the creator of D3.js and a VP of engineering at Google, then Read more…
AWS Launches Managed Services for Grafana, Prometheus
Grafana Labs, developer of a popular open source tool for visualizing logs and metrics, joins a growing list of Amazon Web Services partners, allowing AWS customer to run Grafana’s dashboards natively as a managed ser Read more…
Dashboard Tracks Economic Impact of COVID-19
There has been no shortage of dashboards for tracking the spread of the novel coronavirus. Now, thanks to a partnership between Womply and Harvard University, we have a dashboard that tracks the economic impact of COVID- Read more…
Localized Models Give Hospitals Flexibility in COVID-19 Response
Hospitals have been re-allocating resources and delaying elective surgeries in anticipation of a surge in COVID-19 patients over the past month. That surge didn’t materialize in most locations, and now, as the number o Read more…
Data Scientists Predict COVID-19’s Urban Impact
How will COVID-19 impact vulnerable populations, like the elderly and folks with preexisting conditions? The folks at RS-21, a data science consultancy based in New Mexico, assembled relevant data sets into an interactiv Read more…
ML and BI Are Coming Together, Gartner Says
The convergence of machine learning and business intelligence is upon us, as BI tool makers increasingly are exposing ML capabilities to users, and users are performing ML activities in their BI tools. That’s according Read more…
Redis Labs Boosts Data Visualization, Cluster Recovery
Building and running Redis databases is about to get easier thanks to a pair of enhancements coming out of Redis Labs this week, including the new RedisInsight client interface that lets users visualize Redis data, as we Read more…
Startup Rockset Adds SQL to DynamoDB
Rockset, the serverless search and analytics startup that emerged last fall from stealth mode, this week unveiled its SQL platform targeting NoSQL data from Amazon Web Services’ DynamoDB. Rockset, San Mateo, Calif., Read more…
Acquisition Binge: Salesforce Buys Tableau
Analytics vendors continue to be prime acquisition targets for cloud companies with deep pockets. The latest example is the acquisition of self-service analytics platform specialist Tableau Software by enterprise clou Read more…
How Advanced Analytics Is Helping to Flush Out Insurance Fraud
Advanced analytics and machine learning modeling require lots of data to be trained, and in the insurance business, there's no better place to get data than Verisk Analytics. Here's how the Jersey City, New Jersey-based Read more…
Data Pipeline Automation: The Next Step Forward in DataOps
The industry has largely settled on the notion of a data pipeline as a means of encapsulating the engineering work that goes into collecting, transforming, and preparing data for downstream advanced analytics and machine Read more…