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Tag: workforce analytics

ADP Leverages Huge Database to Gauge Worker Attrition

A database of more than 30 million employee records is the basis of a new cloud-based analytical tool designed to lower worker turnover by identifying in advance those most likely to quit. Human capital management spe Read more…

Microsoft Delves Deeper Into Worker Analytics

The universe of data analytics categories continues to expand, and Microsoft said it is again buying into one of the newest: organizational analytics. The office software giant announced Thursday (Sept. 3) it is acqui Read more…

Can Workforce Analytics Help Us Find Work-Life Balance?

Organizations are the sum of their constituent parts. If employees aren't achieving at the highest level, then chances are good the organization is underperforming as well. Organizations are awash in all types of data, b Read more…

Unlocking Business Insights in Timecards

When it comes to big data analytics in the world of human capital management, most of the attention has focused on the hiring process. But companies are now starting to use advanced analytics to inspect the performance o Read more…
