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Europe Moves Forward with AI Regulation

European lawmakers today voted overwhelmingly in favor of the landmark AI regulation known as the EU AI Act. While the act does not yet have the force of law, the lopsided vote indicates it soon will in the European Unio Read more…

Self-Regulation Is the Standard in AI, for Now

Are you worried that AI is moving too fast and may have negative consequences? Do you wish there was a national law to regulate it? Well, that’s a club with a fast-growing list of members. Unfortunately, if you reside Read more…

NIST Puts AI Risk Management on the Map with New Framework

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) today published the AI Risk Management Framework, document intended to help organizations voluntarily develop and deploy AI systems without bias and other negativ Read more…

NYC’s New AI Hiring Law Won’t Be Enforced Until April

Companies with employees in New York City have four more months to figure out Local Law 144, a first-in-the-nation law that will regulate the use of AI for hiring. The law went into effect on January 1, but the city defe Read more…

New Law Firm Tackles AI Liability

If you’re not concerned about the potential legal liability from using AI, then you’re not paying attention. That’s the message from Andrew Burt, one of the founders of, a boutique law firm that’s dedicate Read more…
