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Despite Startup Slowdown, VCs Keep Investing in Big Data

The number of software startups is down almost 50 percent since the start of the Great Recession, according to a new report from Evan's Data Corp. Despite the slowdown, anecodocal evidence points to venture capital firms Read more…

8 New Big Data Projects To Watch

The big data community has a secret weapon when it comes to innovation: open source. The granddaddy of big data, Apache Hadoop, was born in open source, and its growth will come from continued innovation in done by the c Read more…

Why Kafka Should Run Natively on Hadoop

Apache Kafka has become an instrumental part of the big data stack at many organizations, particularly those looking to harness fast-moving data. But Kafka doesn't run on Hadoop, which is becoming the de-facto standard f Read more…

DataTorrent Raises the Bar for Real-Time Streaming

There's a lot of talk these days about real-time streaming applications. If analyzing and acting on new data is good, then doing it immediately must be better. The truth is, building real-time streaming applications is n Read more…

Streaming Analytics Ready for Prime Time, Forrester Says

Analytic platforms that generate insights from data in real time are mature enough for enterprises to begin adopting them, Forrester says in its latest report. While open source streaming analytic products like Apache St Read more…

DataTorrent RTS Clocks In at 1.5B Events per Second

What would you do with a system that could process 1.5 billion events per second? That’s the mind-boggling rate at which DataTorrent’s Real-Time Streaming (RTS) offering for Hadoop was recently benchmarked. Now that Read more…

It’s Sink or Swim in the IoT’s Ocean of Bigger Data

The network of connected devices commonly called the Internet of Things is poised to drive data growth to stratospheric levels. Our ability to wield analytics on these big, fast, and diverse data will determine whether w Read more…

Crossing the Big Data Stream with DataTorrent

Enterprises eager for a competitive edge are turning to in-memory stream processing technologies to help them analyze big data in real time. The Apache Spark and Storm projects have gained lots of momentum in this area, as have some analytic NoSQL databases and in-memory data grids. Another streaming technology worth keeping an eye on is DataTorrent. Read more…

Enterprise-class real-time stream analytics for Big Data

Data is exploding in volume, velocity, and variety. The batch-oriented tools of last decade take hours or days to process incoming data—too long for many applications. This discrepancy has given rise to a new type of real-time processing platform for Big Data. To support enterprise-class, mission-critical services, these platforms must overcome eight key challenges. Read more…
