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Where US Spy Agencies Get American’s Personal Data From

A report issued last week by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence indidates the US intelligence community has been collecting and storing large amounts of potentially sensitive and embarrassing information Read more…

Making Better Data-Informed Decisions to Navigate Disruptions

Unprecedented levels of disruption have significantly complicated business leaders’ efforts to make critical data-driven decisions to guide their organizations successfully into the future. To keep their analytic capab Read more…

Greasing the Wheels for Data Monetization

“Data is a critical asset to business success.” That’s probably the closest thing to a self-evident truth you’re likely to find in today’s ultra-competitive business landscape. We all know how important data is Read more…

Can AWS Crack the Code for Data Exchanges?

Data has become a tangible commodity with the potential to be traded like any other good. Like petroleum, it’s the raw feedstock used to create numerous downstream products. However, unlike petroleum, we lack a central Read more…
