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Vendor » EBay


Inside eBay’s Optimization Techniques for Scaling AI

Getting the software right is important when developing machine learning models, such as recommendation or classification systems. But at eBay, optimizing the software to run on a particular piece of hardware using disti Read more…

eBay Challenges Students to Improve Product Identification

Trying to find an exact product online can be a hit and miss affair. Sometimes your search nails it, but other times it misses the mark. Now eBay is enlisting college students to try their hand at developing a machine le Read more…

PayPal Feeds the DL Beast with Huge Vault of Fraud Data

PayPal is no stranger to fraud. As one of the Internet's first online payment services, PayPal has been exposed to every type of wire fraud imaginable (and some beyond imagination). Sometimes the fraudsters had the upper Read more…

Neo4j Expands Startup Access to Graph Database

Graph database specialist Neo4j is expanding free access to its enterprise platform for startup companies, a move the company said would help later-stage entrepreneurs expand their data visualization efforts as that mark Read more…

How eBay Leverages Data Visualization in Machine Translation

Online retailers such as eBay are making the case for using data visualization to sort through big data to improve automated language translation in e-commerce markets where platform operators are striving to bring toget Read more…

Search Engines Get a Machine Learning Boost

Online retailer eBay is attempting to extend its machine language capabilities beyond automatic language translation to e-commerce uses designed to make product searches more relevant. As automation improves, the company Read more…

Why ONI May Be Our Best Hope for Cyber Security Now

Huge volume of network data has made it all but impossible for the good guys to detect new security threats, which has created space for the bad guys to operate. But thanks to a new Apache big data project called Open Ne Read more…

Project Myriad Brings Hadoop Closer to Mesos

One of the challenges of running Hadoop is resource management. The process of spinning up and managing hundreds, if not tens of thousands, of server nodes in a Hadoop cluster—and spinning them down and moving them, et Read more…
