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Vendor » Impetus Technologies


Machine Learning-Based Real-Time Threat Detection for Banks

The business impact of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold worldwide for the financial services industry. The “new normal” has not only given rise to unprecedented operational challenges, but also provided fert Read more…

AI-Enabled DevOps: Reimagining Enterprise Application Development

Today, advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have opened up significant application possibilities, from sensor-driven weather prediction to driverless cars to intelligent chatbots. Developmen Read more…

Why 2018 Will Be All About the Data

Since big data roared onto the public stage in 2012, we've seen an accelerating pace of technological progress and prowess. Along with it, tech trends have come and gone. Once a rising star, Hadoop is now settling into a Read more…

2018 Predictions: Opening the Big Data Floodgates

The pace of innovation in big data today is exceeded only by the actual volume of data generated. So how will the industry respond to the opportunities and challenges posed by huge pipes of data that will be opened up in Read more…

Big Data Speaks: 10 Industry Predictions for 2017

What will happen in big data and advanced analytics next year? Nobody really knows. While crystal balls are generally unreliable indicators of future events, it's never stopped us from trying to see into the future anywa Read more…

No Sign of Big Data Spending Slowdown, Vendors Say

Gartner turned some heads yesterday with a new study that found fewer companies had plans to invest in big data projects over the next two years. But executives with Cloudera, Teradata, Databricks, and others say they're Read more…

Hortonworks Splits ‘Core’ Hadoop from Extended Services

Hortonworks today announced a major change to the way it distributes its Hadoop software. Going forward, Hortonworks plans to update "core Hadoop" components like HDFS, MapReduce, and YARN just once a year in accordance Read more…

What’s Driving the Rise of Real-Time Analytics

Hadoop gave us a taste of the types of insights big data analytics can deliver, and provided a competitive advantage to early adopters. But as data volumes grow, as the time-to-insight window shrinks, and as technology c Read more…

This Just In

Impetus Technologies Achieves AWS Advanced Consulting Partner Status

Jun 2, 2020 |

LOS GATOS, CaliforniaJune 2, 2020 — Impetus Technologies Inc., a software products and services company, announced that it is now an Advanced Consulting Partner in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner Network (APN). Read more…
