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OmniSci Gets HEAVY New Name and New CEO

OmniSci, developers of a GPU-based analytics database, today announced it has changed its name to HEAVY.AI. There’s also a change of leadership at the top of the San Francisco company, as Jon Kondo takes over for co-fo Read more…

Data Science Finds New Uses in Political Science

The intersection of public policy and public data is fertile ground for data scientists to practice their craft. Two new use cases that recently emerged in the United States are drafting political districts and predictin Read more…

US Census Provides Big Data Grist for GPU Analytics Mill

As the United States Census Bureau begins to release data from its 2020 tally, companies are gearing up to analyze the new information and figure out how they can leverage it for competitive advantage. For large corporat Read more…

How Data Can Help Optimize COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution

We are just weeks away from the first COVID-19 vaccinations being administered to individuals, a remarkable feat of biochemistry and drug development. But with only 40 million doses expected to be available in the United Read more…

Contact Tracing COVID-19 Throws a Curveball to GDPR, Data Rights

Monday marked Memorial Day in the United States, while in Europe, it marked the second anniversary of GDPR going into effect, a monumental occasion to be sure. But what does the future of the data privacy law look like i Read more…

Big Data Career Notes: April 2020 Edition

In this monthly feature, we’ll keep you up-to-date on the latest career developments for individuals in the big data community. Whether it’s a promotion, new company hire, or even an accolade, we’ve got the details Read more…

How Data Science Is Fighting the Flint Water Crisis

The Flint water crisis is one of the defining environmental crises of our era. Headlines describing poisoned children across one of America’s classic manufacturing cities seized the country’s attention, forcing polic Read more…

Quansight Tackles Support Gap in Python Data Community

Here's a worrisome statistic to ponder. Despite the millions of people who rely on data science packages like SciPy, NumPy, and Scikit-learn, fewer than five people in the world are paid to maintain them (the number is a Read more…

OmniSci ‘Hitting Its Stride,’ CEO Says

Aaron Williams, the vice president of community for OmniSci, loves doing live demos. Like a trapeze artist who works without a net, Williams shows no fear as stands on the stage and fires off queries from OmniSci's GUI c Read more…

Inside OmniSci’s Plans for Data Analytics Convergence

You may know OmniSci as the provider of a fast SQL-based database that runs on GPUs. But the company formerly known as MapD is moving beyond its GPU roots and is building a data platform that runs on CPUs and does machin Read more…

This Just In

Entel Chooses OmniSci to Improve Customer Satisfaction

Jul 30, 2020 |

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., July 30, 2020— As the world struggles with the COVID-19 pandemic, Chile telecommunications company Entel is improving mobile services for millions of Chileans whose lives have been impacted by stay-at-home orders, closures and other restrictions. Read more…

OmniSci Launches AI Center of Excellence at Gunadarma University in Collaboration with NVIDIA and Epsindo

Jul 30, 2020 |

JAKARTA, Indonesia, July 30, 2020 – OmniSci, provider of accelerated analytics, announced the opening of a new Center of Excellence (CoE) focused on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science (DS) at the Gunadarma University. Read more…

OmniSci Powers New Website Enabling Public to View House-by-House Information On Flint Water Crisis

Jul 1, 2020 |

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., July 1, 2020 – OmniSci, provider of accelerated analytics, working in close partnership with water infrastructure analytics consulting company BlueConduit, announced the debut of Flint Service Line Map (, a public website that maps up-to-date information about residential water service line replacements in the city of Flint, Michigan. Read more…

InMarket Selects OmniSci to Provide Geospatial Analytics for Marketing Clients

Jun 30, 2020 |

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., June 30, 2020 – InMarket, provider of 360-degree consumer intelligence and real-time activation, has chosen OmniSci as a key visualization partner. With OmniSci’s accelerated analytics at its core, InMarket clients can explore and map terabytes of data at the speed of curiosity, to better understand local consumers and build precise audiences that drive foot traffic and purchase lift. Read more…

OmniSci Marks Membership in TM Forum, Showcases Early Results Around 5G Business Resiliency

Jun 25, 2020 |

SAN FRANCISCO, June 25, 2020 – OmniSci announced a series of virtual events in connection with its recent membership in the TM Forum, the industry association driving digital transformation through collaboration. Read more…

Skyhook Chooses OmniSci to Support Mobility Indexing in Next Phase of COVID-19 Response

Jun 10, 2020 |

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., June 10, 2020 –Doors are opening and people are beginning to return to stores, salons and restaurants. Using the OmniSci accelerated analytics platform, location intelligence leader Skyhook is assisting the effort, helping businesses and public agencies combine mobility data with data from a myriad of other sources to better understand population movement as the reopening process is implemented. Read more…

OmniSci Partners with SafeGraph and Veraset to Provide POI/GPS Data for Commercial, Business, Government

May 28, 2020 |

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., May 28, 2020 — OmniSci announces partnerships with SafeGraph, a provider of point of interest (POI) data, and Veraset, a provider of population movement data, in a combined solution that gives users unparalleled insight into population movement at millions of public and commercial locations. Read more…

OmniSci and Z by HP Accelerate Data-Driven Workflows

Apr 9, 2020 |

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., April 9, 2020 – OmniSci and Z by HP announced a collaboration to bring the power of advanced data analytics to the HP Z8, the world’s most powerful workstation. Read more…
