Vendor » PayPal
PayPal Open Sources Key-Value Store, JunoDB
PayPal last month released the source code for JunoDB, a distributed key-value store it developed internally and which today powers a variety of backend services at the payment site, including 350 billion transaction req Read more…
PayPal Feeds the DL Beast with Huge Vault of Fraud Data
PayPal is no stranger to fraud. As one of the Internet's first online payment services, PayPal has been exposed to every type of wire fraud imaginable (and some beyond imagination). Sometimes the fraudsters had the upper Read more…
Tools Boost Access to Product Data
A new set of features is designed to give application developers greater access to critical product data that in many enterprises is viewed only by small groups of employees. Amplitude, a product analytics specialist, Read more…
Cybersecurity Grabs the Big Data Spotlight
For all the good that big data can bring your company, it also introduces certain risks. Thanks to a growing awareness about the importance of cybersecurity as a result of recent high-profile breaches, businesses will ha Read more…
Google Lauds Outside Influence on Apache Beam
Apache Beam started life as a decidedly Google-ish technology designed to mask the complexity inherent in building sophisticated analytic pipelines that run across distributed systems. But over the course of becoming a t Read more…