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This Week’s Big Data Big Seven

We wrap up this week with news about a new high performance, data-intensive supercomputer from SGI, new Hadoop announcements, including those from Hortonworks, Datameer, and Karmasphere, some software enhancements for big data infrastructure from ScaleOut and some other startup goodness--all with an eye on next week's International.... Read more…

This Week’s Big Data Big Ten

On tap for our summary of items this week we have details from the edges of genomics research, to the sad state of data protection, and the scoop on a new program that would make Stan Lee proud. We also address recent info about how to scrub dirty data, in addition to some recent big data IPO activity and new concepts that are reshaping data-intensive enterprise computing. Whew... Read more…

Pervasive Technologist Sheds Light on Predictive Analytics

This week Pervasive's Chief Technologist Jim Falgout talked with us about Hadoop, predictive analytics and the adoption of both, as well as the company's approach to analytics with RushAnalyzer, which was announced today and has.... Read more…

Pervasive Lends Supercomputing Center Analytical Might

Pervasive Software teamed up with researchers from the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) and researchers at the nearby University of Texas in Austin to address the challenges of big visualization at the staggering scale common to astrophysics data. Read more…
