Vendor » Quansight
Open Source Still Rolling, But Roadblocks Loom
The percentage of developers actively participating in open source projects is up 8% from last year, according to a survey by DigitalOcean. That’s the good news. Unfortunately, the outlook for open source is not entire Read more…
Quansight Tackles Support Gap in Python Data Community
Here's a worrisome statistic to ponder. Despite the millions of people who rely on data science packages like SciPy, NumPy, and Scikit-learn, fewer than five people in the world are paid to maintain them (the number is a Read more…
Inside OmniSci’s Plans for Data Analytics Convergence
You may know OmniSci as the provider of a fast SQL-based database that runs on GPUs. But the company formerly known as MapD is moving beyond its GPU roots and is building a data platform that runs on CPUs and does machin Read more…