Vendor » SiSense
Big Data Career Notes: June 2020 Edition
In this monthly feature, we'll keep you up-to-date on the latest career developments for individuals in the big data community. Whether it's a promotion, new company hire, or even an accolade, we've got the details. Chec Read more…
ML and BI Are Coming Together, Gartner Says
The convergence of machine learning and business intelligence is upon us, as BI tool makers increasingly are exposing ML capabilities to users, and users are performing ML activities in their BI tools. That’s according Read more…
BI Leader Sisense Acquires Periscope Data
Sisense’s acquisition of Periscope Data combines the buyer’s business intelligence platform with Periscope’s cloud data analytics expertise as Sisense looks to up its analytics game. The merger announced on Tues Read more…
BI Vendors Sliced and Diced on G2’s Grid
If you're on the hunt for better business intelligence software – and really, who isn't these days? – you likely are reading some analyst reports on the topic. But all too often, those reports don't reflect the exper Read more…
Sisense Adds Machine Learning to BI Platform
Machine learning continues to make serious inroads in big data markets, most notably in the automation of tedious business intelligence tasks. Among the emerging applications is discerning and highlighting patterns in en Read more…
Don’t Let Data Complexity Stunt Your Company’s Growth
Over the past few years, data has solidified its status as the currency that drives success for enterprises of all sizes. The ability to quickly gather, analyze and visualize data from different sources empowers business Read more…
AI-Powered Bots Gearing Up to Serve You
Get yourself ready for the bot invasion. Powered by artificial intelligence and fueled with big data, bots are gearing up to serve people the data, insights, and services they demand. Bots are not new. Anybody who's i Read more…
What Does the VC Investment Slowdown Mean for Big Data?
The overall pace of investments by venture capitalists slowed over the first six months of the year, according to new report issued last week. While the software industry as a whole did well, the number of investments in Read more…
Amazon Echo, IoT Bulb Enlisted for Data Engagement
Presumably under the category of "bright ideas," a business intelligence specialist is leveraging artificial intelligence and what it calls an "IoT light bulb" as a way to increase analytics engagement and adoption throu Read more…
Tumultuous Times for BI and Analytic Tool Vendors
My, what a week it was for business intelligence (BI) and analytic tools. First, industry darling Tableau Software (NYSE: DATA) lost half its market capitalization following earnings that disappointed Wall Street, which Read more…