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How to Turn Your Company Into a Data-Driven Enterprise

Business executives are feeling enormous pressure to ensure their companies are data-driven, be they at startups or global enterprises. Yet C-Suite surveys show there’s confusion about how to implement an effective dat Read more…

Data as a Service: Where It Works, Where It Still Doesn’t

The latest craze in the business intelligence market today is data as a service (DaaS), i.e. the idea that data or analysis can be sold and ‘served’ to end users on a per-usage basis, with data management, storage an Read more…

What 2015 Will Bring for Big Data

There's no denying that 2014 was a big year in big data. The rapid maturation of technologies like Hadoop and Spark, along with the continual explosion of all types of data, led to an awakening of the potential of distri Read more…

SiSense Tweaks Memory to Boost Data Analytics

Business intelligence software vendor SiSense is forecasting that soaring demand among small and mid-sized companies for data analytics could help triple it sales this year. The Israeli company differentiates itself f Read more…
