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Scoring Hidden Insights from Location Analytics

Amid the tsunami of big data that's being generated every day, geo-location data often gets lost in the wash. But to a certain class of big data practitioner, where you go in a city is almost as important as what you do. Read more…

5 Ways Big Geospatial Data Is Driving Analytics In the Real World

Amid the flood of data we collect and contend with on a daily basis, geospatial data occupies a unique place. Thanks to the networks of GPS satellites and cell towers and the emerging Internet of Things, we're able to tr Read more…

Building a Better (Google) Earth

About 10 years ago, the folks at Google finished indexing the Internet and turned their attention to indexing planet Earth. The resulting product, Google Earth, amazed nearly everybody who used it. But for individuals wi Read more…

It’s Sink or Swim in the IoT’s Ocean of Bigger Data

The network of connected devices commonly called the Internet of Things is poised to drive data growth to stratospheric levels. Our ability to wield analytics on these big, fast, and diverse data will determine whether w Read more…
