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Seeing Graphs in Smart Data Lakes

Data lakes are synonymous with Hadoop to many people grappling with the promise and the peril of big data. That's not surprising, considering Hadoop's unparalleled capability to gobble up petabytes of messy data. But for Read more…

Actian Claims ‘Permanent Performance Advantage’ with SQL-on-Hadoop Tool

The SQL-on-Hadoop sweepstakes are by no means over. What's been dubbed the "gateway drug" for Hadoop is just starting to gain traction. But according to Actian, its SQL-on-Hadoop offering, dubbed Vortex, is out to an ear Read more…

Graph Analytics Poised to Solve Tough Big Data Problems

Hadoop has emerged as the go-to platform for sifting through massive amounts of data on commodity machines. But when it comes to certain types of analytic workloads with open-ended problems, nothing beats a graph databas Read more…
