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Seven Innovative Trading Apps & Seven Best Practices You Can Steal

Source: KX Systems
Release Date: Jul 9, 2024

Discover cutting-edge strategies to elevate your quant trading with our eBook, Seven Innovative Trading Apps and Seven Best Practices You Can Steal. This essential read explores advancements in data management, including streaming analytics, time-series data, generative AI, and vector databases. Read more…

Quant Trading Data Management By the Numbers

Source: KX Systems
Release Date: Jul 2, 2024

“Quant Trading Data Management by the Numbers” is a must-read for financial professionals seeking to master the complexities of high-volume, low-latency, and time-series data in quantitative trading. This comprehensive guide explores the six core applications that drive capital markets, shedding light on the limitations of traditional databases. Read more…

11 Insights to Help Quants Break Through Data and Analytics Barriers

Source: KX Systems
Release Date: Jun 25, 2024

In today’s data-driven world, financial organizations must harness innovative technologies to stay competitive. “Unlock 11 Insights to Boost Your Data and Analytics Performance” is an essential eBook that addresses the urgent need for rapid, reliable insights in Trading Analytics, Quantitative Modelling, and Risk Management. Read more…

Top 6 Strategies for Reducing Data Warehouse Costs

Source: Materialize
Release Date: Apr 23, 2024

Cost reduction is a key selling point of cloud data warehouses.

With serverless architectures, near-infinite compute and storage, and pay-as-you-go pricing, cloud data warehouses can make teams more efficient and cost-effective. Read more…

Building an Operational Data Warehouse for Real-time Analytics

Source: Materialize
Release Date: Jan 25, 2024

Have you ever tried driving real-time updates to customers from your data warehouse? Or optimized a conversion funnel using real-time data? If so, you’ve probably suffered the pain of pushing your data warehouse past its limits. Read more…

Can You Use Kafka as a Database?

Source: NetApp
Release Date: Dec 7, 2023

Kafka: A Data Store with Some Database-like Properties

Database technology is absolutely critical for business success. While not commonly thought of as a database, Apache Kafka, the open source stream-processing software platform, has many unique properties commonly associated with a database that can absolutely fill the need for storing data, including the scalability, reliability, and performance. Read more…

RBAC vs. ABAC: Future-Proofing Security and Access Control

Source: IMMUTA
Release Date: Nov 13, 2023

With data-driven initiatives central to modern success, it’s incredibly important that this data is kept from falling into the wrong hands.

Access control models achieve this goal by limiting who is allowed to see what data and for which reasons. Read more…

Master the Essentials: Big Data Engineering for Machine Learning

Source: Qubole
Release Date: Nov 8, 2023

Seeking an introduction to widely used big data engines and frameworks?

Download our whitepaper for insights into the fundamentals of data engineering for machine learning. Including information on key data engines such as Apache Spark, Apache Hadoop, Trino and Airflow. Read more…

Harnessing Open Data to Create Smart Communities

Harnessing Open Data to Create Smart Communities

Source: Opendatasoft
Release Date: Sep 20, 2023

In an increasingly urban world, there’s a real need for municipalities to become smarter. They have to become more efficient, innovative, sustainable, and responsive to the needs of stakeholders.

Our new smart city ebook explains how open data fuels smart communities, providing in-depth use cases and strategies for success. Read more…

Use Cases for Apache Cassandra®

Source: NetApp
Release Date: Jul 27, 2023

In today’s data-driven world, database technology is critical for business success. Apache Cassandra is frequently the database of choice for many organizations due to its scalability, reliability, and performance. Specifically, organizations use Apache Cassandra when they need to analyze data and derive insights to reduce operating costs, quickly react to new business opportunities, improve customer engagement, detect and prevent fraud, minimize downtime and outages, and more. Read more…
